Privacy Notice

Notice of Privacy Practices for Protected Health Information

This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully.

Infuserve America, Inc Compounding Pharmacy Services, Inc. is not covered by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) because we do not bill insurance companies. However, we do agree that patient information should be protected.

We want patients to know that we protect patient information, and we will not use or disclose an individual patient’s health information except for treatment, payment, or regular health care operations.

A. Patients’ Rights

Patients have the right to view their record and request for changes to be made. We will make this information available to patients or deny this information within 5 days after receiving the request. If we deny the request, we will explain the denial and describe the process to appeal the denial.

Patients have a right to ask for an accounting of every disclosure of their patient history information that is not related to treatment, payment, or health care operations or not specifically excluded by HIPAA. Infuserve America, Inc. does not disclose any patient history information that is not related to treatment, payment, or health care operations or not specifically excluded by HIPAA.

Patients have the right to complain to the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services.

B. Designated Contact Person

Any question and/or complaints should be referred to these persons:

Primary Contact
David Kazarian RPh Telephone (800) 886-9222

Secondary Contact
Anthony Wolfinbarger, RPh . Telephone (800) 886-9222

Both can be reached at:
Infuserve America
11880 28th Street North
Saint Petersburg, FL 33716

C. Picking Up Medications and Patient Consultations

  1. Patients picking up their prescriptions
    1. Patients, relatives, or friends may pick up medications.
    2. A private area will used to counsel our patients.
    3. If a relative or friend picks up the medication, the pharmacist will use his/her professional judgment and disclose only pertinent and relevant information. The relative or friend will be told that the patient is encouraged to call and speak directly with a pharmacist if the patient has any questions.
  2. Phone consultations
    1. Phone consultations will be conducted where no other patient may overhear conversations.
    2. Patients may request that no information be given to anyone other than himself/herself. Infuserve America, Inc. will comply with that request. E.g. If a patient has so requested, the patient’s spouse, other relative, or friend will be given no information.

D. Year-end Tax Requests

Requests for year-end reports for income tax purposes will be furnished to patients when requested in writing by the patient.

  1. The request must be signed by the patient.
  2. In those instances where the patient’s relative or caregiver is requesting this information instead of the patient, a written request with the signature of the patient’s legal guardian must be presented.

E. Communication with Other Health Care Providers

Infuserve America, Inc. employees do not disclose more than the “minimum amount of information necessary” to other health care providers to accomplish a particular purpose.

For example, if a Doctor calls and asks for the medications his/her patient is receiving from us, we would consider that a reasonable request and provide that information. However, we will not give additional information that may be personal such as method of payment.

F. Patient Authorization for Disclosures Not Involving or Outside of Treatment

Payment, and Health Care Operation.

HIPAA requires all health care providers to obtain patient authorization before use or disclosure of Protected Health Information that does not involve treatment, payment, or health care operations.

Infuserve America, Inc. . employees do not use or disclose Protected Health Information except when that Protected Health Information involves treatment, payment, or health care operations.

G. Marketing of Patient Information

Infuserve America, Inc. prohibits marketing of Patient Information.


Infuserve America, Inc. Inc does not disclose, give, sell or transfer any personal information about our visitors, unless required for law enforcement or statute.

Intrusion Detection

This site is maintained by Infuserve America, Inc. Inc. – It is protected by various provisions of Title 18, U.S. Code. Violations of Title 18 are subject to criminal prosecution in federal court.

For site security purposes, personal information purposes and to ensure that this service remains available to all users, we employ software programs to monitor traffic to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information, or otherwise cause damage. In the event of authorized law enforcement investigations, and pursuant to any required legal process, information from these sources may be used to help identify an individual.

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