Clinical Trials

Infuserve has provided Central Pharmacy Services and Coordination for a variety of clinical trials.

Infuserve America is able to provide:

  • Medication dispensing
  • Compounding and mixing
  • Supplies
  • Infusion pumps
  • Consultation
  • Care Coordination
  • IP Storage
  • Drug Depot
  • Project Management
  • Monitoring Visits
  • Drug Destruction


Need a clinical trial pharmacy or central pharmacy? Infuserve America has facilitated direct to patient and direct to site clinical trials long before DTP was a slogan. We have experience partnering on Phase 1 to Phase IV clinical trials. Contact us today. No trial is too big or too small.


  • Our dedicated team of clinical trial associates are committed to completing the project management task to ensure your clinical trials runs smoothly
  • Our facility is designed to store IP on site securely in a centralized manner for efficient and direct shipments to subjects and sites
  • Our compounding services will alleviate the need for site or nursing staff to manipulate IP once delivered thereby allow them to focus on the subject

Exceptional Service

We have the all the advantages of a large, state of the art facility while maintaining the small-town feel of a corner pharmacy.
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